media is another popular type of media technology. Print media has been out for
several years and was very popular before radio and television media took over.
Print media consists of using magazines and newspapers to relay messages. “Print
was first used mainly by the church to reinforce and spread religious ideology
through the publication of religious literature” (encyclopedia, 2010). Today many
people use this type of media as a source to obtain information. The type of
information obtained consists of various topics and in some cases a whole
magazine or newspaper might be dedicated to one particular topic. The messages
delivered by this type of media include local and worldwide news, news going on
in the sports world, and information about different current events.
use of magazines and newspapers are declining with the increasing use of the
internet and with everything going digital. Although this is true, “many
tech-savvy people prefer to read an actual newspaper or magazine as opposed to
reading it online” (Stefano, 2008).
versions of magazines and newspapers can be found on the internet. Books are
also a good example of print media. Books can be categorized in several
different ways. Some books are for pure enjoyment and entertainment while
others are used as educational resources and describe events that took place in
the past. Today many books are being provided in an electronic format as well.
increasing use of electronic versions of print media can be viewed as a threat.
There are currently many people who prefer the use of electronic versions over
print because the electronic versions can be easily obtained and are usually
cheaper or even free. I believe over time the use of electronic versions will
cause print media to cease to some degree.
Encyclopedia. (2012). Print Media. Retrieved on April 20, 2012
Stefano, T. (2008). Print
Media vs. E-Media: The Battle Is On. Retrieved on April 19, 2012 from
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